Art has always been there for Sapphire, and it has led her down so many different paths, from wanting to be a comic artist, to studying animation, working in graphic design and nothing has been more fulfilling than being part of the artist alley at conventions over the last several years.
But after getting her first few tattoos, Sapphire (and after a lot of convincing from friends) maybe thought this was what she also wanted to do. Help bring beautiful and unique artworks to life, while also giving people amazing experiences along the way.
Sapphire can’t wait to start her journey as a tattoo apprentice at the Abstruse Tattoo Studio, the perfect place to merge her pop art fascinations into amazing artwork! Some of Sapphire’s favourite things besides making art, is consuming anything Dungeons and Dragons (when not playing herself), anime/manga, MTG and video games.
Wanting to explore and create her own style, Sapphire currently has an interest in anything from fineline to the bold and beautiful, wanting to explore the fun and bubbly side of colour to the dark and mysterious black and greys